Texas Inclusion

5 things I learned while cooking

Taking care of your mind, body and soul can help you maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. This can have different meanings, self care for some may involve traveling, walking, exercising, reading, etc. But, have you ever thought about utilizing cooking as a way to take care of yourself? 

Personally, I find cooking to be a very joyful activity and I know others enjoy it too. Some benefits that come to my mind when I think about cooking are:

  1. It is a rewarding activity, after you are done cooking you get to eat your own creation, you may also be able to share it with others. For many of us, acquiring tangible compensation after an activity is very rewarding. The term is “behavioral activation,” it means that when we find meaning in the things we do, we spend more time and get more involved rather than just drifting through them. 
  2. Cooking can be a very creative activity. When you are in the kitchen you may be using a recipe or you may be just adding ingredients to see what the outcome is. Either way, you are exploring your creative side. The process of cooking normally doesn’t carry anxiety, it does encourage focusing which according to a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, focusing on cooking boosts happiness and creativity.
  3. Healthy habits. Not only cooking helps your creativity but it also promotes healthy eating habits. Taking ingredients and transforming them into something delicious will feed your body and spirit. It is no secret that fast food is not good fuel for our body.
  4. Cooking can be a bonding experience. If you cook with someone or you cook for someone you may feel like you are bonding and connecting. For people who struggle with social interaction, sharing your food creation can be very powerful.
  5. Saves money! Cooking can actually help you financially, it saves you money, eating daily not only affects our health but it also can be very expensive. Feeling secure about our finances helps with our overall mental health. 

My hope is that knowing the benefits of cooking will encourage you to try it and feel like you are taking care of yourself in the process. Want to know more about how therapeutic cooking can be for you? Reach out and we can talk.


Lewis, D. (2016, November 29). Feeling Down? Scientists Say Cooking and Baking Could Help You Feel Better. Retrieved September 04, 2020, from https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/feeling-down-scientists-say-cooking-and-baking-may-help-you-feel-better-180961223/

Thorpe, J. (2018, August 02). 7 Emotional Benefits Of Cooking That’ll Make You Want To Actually Use Your Kitchen. Retrieved September 04, 2020, from https://www.bustle.com/p/7-emotional-benefits-of-cooking-thatll-make-you-want-to-actually-use-your-kitchen-9957022